The App
The app simply helps you to level-out your blood glucose and insulin levels with consistent meal-frequency.
Open access to the Body of Knowledge
Get access to everything in the Body of Knowledge library with the click of a button on the app.
You are always in control of your schedule
Need to bump up the time for a reminder? Tap the reminder nudge button.
Track your progress
Watch the daily videos and learn about your body, nutritional systems and how your food affects your health, energy levels and longevity.
Loaded with Content
Watch the daily videos and learn about your body, nutritional systems and how your food affects your health, energy levels and longevity.
Learn about your Body
As you gradually adjust your schedule, we send you short videos. Test what you know.
Application Support
1. Open the Menu
(tap blue heading with three white dots at top of the screen)
2. Select “Schedule and Reminders”
3. Tap the meal or snack you want to change.
4. Adjust with the yellow up or Down Arrows
(note the new time is shown in bottom of window)
When in the app main screen, tap any meal
or snack event and adjust the time (same up/down arrows)
1. Open the Menu
(tap blue heading with three white dots at top of the screen)
2. Select “Schedule and Reminders”
3. At the bottom of the screen, select Sounds
4. Sounds Menu opens
5. Preview sounds by clicking them
6. Make selection
New sounds will be your notification from
the app for each meal or snack.
1. Go to Menu at the top of the app
2. Select Progress tab from the drop-down menu
3. Click Enter your Weight button
A slider will allow you to select
your weight, click DONE and your weight
will be shown on the scale above and
charted on the graph.
Try to weigh-in at least once a week. It's
better to weigh yourself about the
same time of day if possible.
The application collects information that helps us to manage your account.
We do not collect or divulge any confidential medical information, but only your weight, height and contact information.
Any snacks you order will be tracked on your account on the website.
Privacy Policy
Terms of Application
1. Open the App
2. Tap on the event you would like to change
Either tap the Yellow UP and Down Arrows
to see the time change in the oval window
OR Tap +15/+20/+30 mins like a snooze button
The application sends you notifications to remind
you to eat regularly. You need to give your
permission for the app to do this.
Contact Support
It was easy to get started... and while the notifications from the app took some getting used to - it was worth it... Deron and Kate
They say you can change anything in your life in 90 days... The first thirty got me real progress on my goals. Pam